Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Long Awaited Update!!!!!!

                                                    My outreach team at Victoria peak in Hong Kong.

Sorry for the long wait!! Please forgive me. During the time I was in Switzerland and on outreach it was very hard for me to find time to update because we were so incredibly busy and had limited access to the internet. In addition I have had some computer problems, so I am going to do my best to let you guys know what happened from where I left off in week 5.

Weeks 6-12 Lecture Phase

Week 6
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”  Proverbs 9:10

This particular week we were learning about personal Identity in Christ. This week was a very heavy week for my heart; it was about the truth pertaining to me as an individual.  I would say this is the week where I received the most healing and really got to learn more about my feelings towards my family.
A lot of things had really hardened my heart, and during this week I learned how to soften my heart to the things that had hurt me so deeply in the past. I learned how to forgive.  What freedom!!!

I also learned about self-image, and how, as a child of God, I am beautifully and wonderfully made. It was very hard for me before to even believe anyone when they would call me beautiful or say that I was pretty. I really struggled with this and still do, but God gave me a scripture for this problem repeatedly. During my time in Switzerland, it kept popping up.  The verse is Song of Solomon 1:15:  “My darling, you are beautiful! Oh, you are beautiful! Your eyes are like doves!”  Thank you, Jesus!

Week 7
Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”

This week’s subject was on meditation and outreach . The speakers in this lecture really blessed me through their teaching. The subject of meditation has always been a very important subject to me. I have never really been taught on this subject before, and it was wonderful to gain deeper understanding. Through this week I really deepened my communication with God. I got to have such intimate times with God during this week. From then on, I felt a deeper walk in my relationship with God.

We also learned about rights during this week, and what we, as humans, should be more than willing to lay down for others.  We also realized how we should behave as Christians,  and that we should always be mindful when living and working among other cultures..

Week 8
I perceived this weeks subject to be about obedience to God and one’s calling. We all have specific callings that God has placed on our lives, and it is our choice whether we follow the calling or not. To me, personally, one’s calling/ vision is what really gives you purpose in life.  I learned that  until that purpose and calling is made clear, it is important to wait before the Lord,and expect Him to deliver instead of doing what you want to do on your own.  That’s a hard one, but I’m thankful to understand.

During this week we also had the NKSS (New Korea Servant Seminar).  It was about Korea as a nation. We got to learn how God is moving in Korea. We learned how to be a servant and really have a servant heart for another person. A servant judges no one’s heart. Only God has that right to do so. A servant forgives everyone no matter what the conditions. Jesus told us “whatever you forgive on the earth will be forgiven in Heaven,” Matthew 18:18. At this present time, North Korea and South Korea  are currently split, but nothing can block God’s purpose for North Korea. There is a great movement starting in North Korea. I believe God will really work in binding Korea as a whole nation.

Week 9
This week was about evangelism; it was a very useful week for me personally. We got to learn about how to approach people with the gospel and talk to them in meaningful way. Our teachers gave us quite a few tools in regard to evangelism. I learned that it’s important to be engaged with the person and have a genuine interest in them as a person. Otherwise, talking to them has no purpose. Jesus met people through interests. This is one of the tools we learned in the process of conversationally easing into the talk of religion and spiritual life.  Evangelism is about relationship. This is the S.H.A.R.E. process to help getting to know the person better:

  • Secular or social life. Learning about their hobbies,interests...ect.  Surface level things.
  • Home life. Relationships, learn their relationship background.
  • Attitudes. Feelings,emotions. How do feel about your life?
  • Religion. Do you go to church? Do you believe in God?
  • Eternal life.Spiritual questions.
(Always ask for permission before asking personal questions.)

Evangelism is about caring for others the way God cares for us!

Week 10
This week for me was really about relationship with others, how we should understand other people, and how we are all connected as people. This week God really spoke to me about the unity of my outreach team. God was the ultimate teacher for me during this week. He taught me many lessons on how to relate to others and connect with them on a personal level.

He also talked to me about how we, as Christians, must come together for the better of all the nations and really reach out to the people who do not know about the Lord. We should be the wave of youth washing over the nations just as Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth with a Mission,  spoke about in his original vision for Youth with a Mission. This vision just amazes me because there are 600+ missionary bases across the globe today because of his vision and God’s providence.

Week 11
This weeks subject was on spiritual warfare and relationships. Relationships, I found, are something that should be really treasured. God truly spoke to my heart, saying, “Sarah there is life within relationships, so treasure them with your whole heart.” I have found it is very hard for me to personally connect with people and relate to them. I do know they are deeply dear to me, so I have realized how important  the put forth the effort to connect with people.

Week 12
This was my last week of the lecture phase. This week I felt very homesick and was slightly depressed. This was a very hard week for me spiritually as we were preparing to go to on outreach. I was really praying hard during this week because of how homesick I felt. . I kept asking God for strength and to just really pick me up from my depression. We did not really have much teaching during this week, but we did receive instruction on preaching & teaching. That was very helpful for me before I went on outreach.  The teaching was about how we can teach people in a proper way.  Other than that, there was a lot of praying going on!

The Outreach

Conducting Intercessory prayer for our outreach location.


Outreach Summary!


Ministries we did:

Inner city kids ministry:
We worked with the inner city kids who are the less privileged kids of Hong Kong. Most of them were refugees from Nepal. We shared the gospel with them, loved on them, and played games with them.  


Gateway camp:

The camp was all about growing closer to God and becoming a missionary. There were around 2,500 people there and only 100-200 staff. Most of the people came to Hong Kong from China just for this camp so they could worship freely. Our team served by taking care of the meals & water team.We had the opportunity to talk with the people as we  passed out meals  three times a day.


Teaching English
We taught English to children mostly in our outreach location. We could not be too biblical with teaching even though it was inside of a church. We did get to bless the children by teaching English to them though. our outreach location was very strict even the churches.


English corners

Often at times we would visit peoples homes who taught English to the local people in Hong Kong & at our other outreach location. Home teaching offers a more comfortable environment for study. Also it was a lot more intimate for them and us as a team to talk to them freely.  

Outreach was a wonderful experience filled with many learning situations, new relationships, and evidence of God’s goodness.  Outreach for me was very busy and seemed rush when I was there in the moment . Through out this time I often found that I needed to slow down and take things easy. I often found myself meditating on Proverbs 17:22 “ A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” This scripture always picked me up whenever I was feeling down or discouraged. I learned that I need to have a joyful heart in every situation.  That will be an ongoing mission for the rest of my life!


During my time of outreach I found out how important it is for people of the team to work well with one another. Each one of us had to give our best; otherwise the whole team would be brought down. We encouraged each other and tried to stay very strong together. Relationships are so important on every level.

Thank you to each of you who supported me through giving and through prayer during this time.  I have grown more in God than I ever knew possible.  I have overcome some deep-seated issues that have held me back.  I have had the privilege of meeting wonderful Christians from other parts of the world.  I have seen parts of God’s beautiful world that I had only dreamed about.  And, most importantly, I had the privilege to share Jesus with people...people who were hungry and searching….in a land where His very name can mean death.  God is amazing.  Please know that through your support, you have been partakers in all that was accomplished for the Kingdom of God (I Corinthians 3:5-7).  Thank you and God bless! I will update you on what I feel the Lord is leading me to do next!


My Team! This is us after we got back from outreach!