Saturday, November 15, 2014

I am going back!!!

After much prayer and consideration I have decided to return to serve at Lausanne YWAM. I am very excited about this opportunity. I am looking forward to being trained in leadership and being discipled.  I am getting a lot of questions from people my age asking me why would I want to do something like this, and I always want to respond, why wouldn't I?  There is a lack of leadership in my generation. I hope to set an example! 

The Ministry & Leadership Development program is designed to equip young leaders for ministry.  I have prayerfully considered joining YWAM Lausanne and be involved in Christian Ministry. I feel the Lord wants me to grow in the area of leadership know this is the next step he has for me. I will have the opportunity to serve, lead and grow in both my character and skills as I learn from international teachers and missionaries on topics such as:

- Biblical leadership
- The character of a leader
- Funding ministry (how to establish a financial and prayer support team)
- Discovering my strengths, gifts and talents
- Public speaking and effective communication
- Spiritual formation
- Team work, conflict resolution and learning styles.

After this 3 month training I feel the Lord leading me to join the staff of YWAM Lausanne while continuing to develop specific skills in areas of ministry at the base. This  includes styles of both formal and non-formal learning, requiring a minimum one year commitment At this point I need to raise $3440.00 USD by January 2nd for my school and $700.00 USD mothly support.  This time can be completely tailored to the gifting's s God has placed in me.  Will you please prayerfully consider funding me on this next adventure.  I am currently working at Chick-fil-a saving all I can, but won’t be able to save it all.  If you don't feel called to please pray for safety of travel, and provision.  Thank you all for the encouraging words and I look forward to doing a video blog soon so stay tuned! 

Leaders Always Set the Example Others Follow!