Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I'm back from leading the team and boy did I grow!!!!

I have officially finished  serving the DTS (Discipleship Training School).  It has been one of the greatest five months of my life. I have grown so much with God and in understanding people.  Thank you so much for your support I have been so honored to come along side and bless and minister to the people of South Africa & Reunion Island.

South Africa was truly an amazing time full of God's goodness and beauty. I really loved serving my team. We got to see God shine through the students so much in the 8 weeks we got to spend with them. 

I fell in love with the people in the locations we visited. One thing I really admired about the people in South Africa was the joy that they have. In the midst of hard circumstances they still worshiped God with their whole hearts and were so thankful for what he has done. It was really amazing to see that in the people and I wished that my own country had that joy.

The most impactful part of my time in South Africa was working with the kids at a local church in South Africa called Green Village Church. We went to this church every Sunday.  The service did not start until 11, but we would arrive at 9 just so we could play with the kids & talk with the youth.  This was my favorite part of the outreach, to play with the children and tell stories about how great our God is to these little children & youth.
They would hold onto me and cling to me all the time. Wherever I would sit, they would sit too. I loved it so much. I didn't just teach Jesus to these kids, but they also taught Jesus to me through their love.

We taught the local kids about God through songs and  dramas and would also have them perform these dramas for their families in front of the church. They really loved it and when we went back every Sunday they would want to do another one!

We had a camp for the youth in the local areas daily and it was so good to hear about their perspectives of who God was to them. For a lot of these youth they think they will never get a good education or they were really hurt by their past so they really hold on to God for purpose and healing. They were very curious of how God worked in other parts of the world and had many many questions about His character. It was such a blessing to share with them a true biblical worldview. 

 I have officially finished  serving the DTS (Discipleship Training School).  It has been one of the greatest five months of my life. I have grown so much with God and in understanding people.  Thank you so much for your support I have been so honored to come along side and bless and minister to the people of South Africa & Reunion Island.

South Africa was truly an amazing time full of God's goodness and beauty. I really loved serving my team. We got to see God shine through the students so much in the 8 weeks we got to spend with them. 

I fell in love with the people in the locations we visited. One thing I really admired about the people in South Africa was the joy that they have. In the midst of hard circumstances they still worshiped God with their whole hearts and were so thankful for what he has done. It was really amazing to see that in the people and I wished that my own country had that joy.

The most impactful part of my time in South Africa was working with the kids at a local church in South Africa called Green Village Church. We went to this church every Sunday.  The service did not start until 11, but we would arrive at 9 just so we could play with the kids & talk with the youth.  This was my favorite part of the outreach, to play with the children and tell stories about how great our God is to these little children & youth.
They would hold onto me and cling to me all the time. Wherever I would sit, they would sit too. I loved it so much. I didn't just teach Jesus to these kids, but they also taught Jesus to me through their love.

We taught the local kids about God through songs and  dramas and would also have them perform these dramas for their families in front of the church. They really loved it and when we went back every Sunday they would want to do another one!
We had a camp for the youth in the local areas daily and it was so good to hear about their perspectives of who God was to them. For a lot of these youth they think they will never get a good education or they were really hurt by their past so they really hold on to God for purpose and healing. They were very curious of how God worked in other parts of the world and had many many questions about His character. It was such a blessing to share with them a true biblical worldview. 

In Reunion Island the people there were so on fire for God and it was contagious. The churches there were so ready to fight for God, this island was know for being infested with demons and  in the churches they would cast out the demons from the people. The people were just so hungry for what God had for them.  It is a fairly small island so news traveled fast once we started going to churches. Many different churches contacted us and wanted us to come to their church too. Most of them wanted to have us there because God did such great things through us and we had such a great impact on the other churches. It was such an honor to carry healing to this dry land.

Thanks to all who helped make this possible!!!!

Will you consider helping me? 

Will you support me while I feel called to serve the Lord in the mission field.    Currently I am trusting God for 5,000 CHF for my fees here for the next 6 months. (This includes food, housing, insurance and ministry expenses..etc) Every YWAM Staff, including the founder, raise enough funds to meet his or her own financial needs. For most people in YWAM, these funds come from friends, family and churches who contribute financially.

 If you would like to give
If you feel led to give  you can give by-


For tax deductions :You can give directly at YWAM Lausanne  click give online and in the drop box Apply my gift to: Select YWAM Lausanne - select Donation to Staff and in the Additional comments or questions related to this donation - put my name -Sarah Moment-

 This picture was inspired during worship while doing local outreach.


Monday, January 12, 2015


Hey everyone!
I am now back in Switzerland and settled in. I have now started my Leadership classes and I am super excited about what God is going to do in my life, the lives of my classmates, and the world around me. One of my assignments is to create a personal theme for the next twelve weeks of school. I thought I would share some of my theme with you guys. 

When I was thinking about what my theme would be, I kept thinking of drowning...going under and being immersed in God's presence, being embraced and consumed by him. During the next twelve weeks, I really want to be captivated and swallowed up completely by each part of God, His love, His mercy, His kindness, His gentleness, His grace.....all aspects, even those I’m not aware of yet.   I want to be able to experience it all. I want to know God as fully as humanly possible.  I can’t think of any life more satisfying. 

Another assignment I was given was to write some personal goals that I want to achieve during this season. I really want  God to develop the potential He has placed in me.  I think while I was home for the 4 months in between schools, I seemed to sink into a deep pit. For some reason, I really felt stuck and depressed. I would go so far to say that I felt lost…adrift… even though I was still getting into the word with God and spending time with him.  I just didn’t seem to be able to put my heart into things. I noticed, though, that I was having trouble laying down what I needed to lay down. Instead, I felt that I was  relying on myself to get through the day instead of relying on God as much as I should have. I felt, too, that there was a hole in my faith, and I was doubting God more than I had before. It really hindered me from seeing the bigger picture God wanted me to see. God did not give up on me though.  He helped me understand that I really do love people and value relationships. However, I often hold myself back because of my own insecure thoughts like, " Oh Sarah you know you are an introvert. You know you are shy and get super anxious around people." I know that I am holding myself back by thinking or saying these things to myself.  I am making it one of my goals to break free from these chains that have created a stronghold in my life.
I ask for and appreciate your prayers as God grows me in my walk and in my faith.
