Monday, February 24, 2014

Half way there!

We just booked my plane ticket! I leave in five weeks!   It has been so fun to see God invest in me through you my brothers and sisters in Christ.  We booked my ticket in faith,  I currently have raised about half of what I am trusting God for.  Will you please continue to pray for his provision.  My faith is growing leaps and bounds throughout this process trusting God that He has called me and he will see me through.  I look forward to updating you soon!  Thank you so much for your prayers and your support!!!  I am confident in this very thing that He who has begun a good work in me will be faithful to see it through to completion on the day Jesus Christ returns (Phil 1:6).

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Only 6 more weeks until I leave

Thank you all who have supported me this far.  I have raised 2,000 towards my needed amount so far and would like to say thank you so much to all who have contributed.  I leave in 6 more weeks, can you believe it?  Time is flying so fast! Would you please continue to lift a few things up in prayer.  My visa application, my finances and my preparation.  If you haven't signed up to follow me yet, please do so!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pray for quick Visa process!!!

We got my Visa application off!!!  Due to the bad weather in Atlanta the Swiss consulate is moving slower than normal.  Please pray for quick processing with my Visa.  I currently have raised $1750 USD towards my mission trip.  Please continue to pray with me for the Lord's provision and I will keep you posted! 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Going Where?

I was praying asking the Lord what was the next step in my life. I just graduated high school in December and I figured I would get a job and go to college like everyone else. My mom and I went to register for school at the community college and I told my mom that it didn’t feel right. She figured it was my nerves and pressed me to enroll. Since she is my mother I respected her wishes and did what she asked of me. Come time to go to school I was mysteriously dropped from  my classes and turned out there was a glitch in the system with my financial aid and I was not able to attend. At that I mentioned to my mom that maybe I should do a DTS (Discipleship Training School). She was open to the idea having done one when she was younger, but she did think it would be in the United States. After attending a high school retreat with my church I strongly felt that God was leading me in the direction of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Will you please prayerfully consider investing in this opportunity for me to grow closer to God and spread his word to the nations.  

Where is God calling me?

 Knowing God and making Him known

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….Teaching them to observe all this I have commanded you- Mat 28:16
Luasanne Switzerland

>Youth with a Mission Lausanne,+Switzerland knowing God and making him known.


 YWAM Lausanne began in 1969 when Loren and Darlene Cunningham (founders of Youth With a Mission) started the first YWAM training program. Since that time,the Lausanne base has birthed many new ministries and YWAM bases through it’s doors. YWAM is an international interdenominational missions organization commited to spreading the gospel all over the earth.

>Five uninterrupted months to pursue God and touch the nations.


> Prayfully consider supporting Sarah on her journey.