Friday, February 7, 2014

Where is God calling me?

 Knowing God and making Him known

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….Teaching them to observe all this I have commanded you- Mat 28:16
Luasanne Switzerland

>Youth with a Mission Lausanne,+Switzerland knowing God and making him known.


 YWAM Lausanne began in 1969 when Loren and Darlene Cunningham (founders of Youth With a Mission) started the first YWAM training program. Since that time,the Lausanne base has birthed many new ministries and YWAM bases through it’s doors. YWAM is an international interdenominational missions organization commited to spreading the gospel all over the earth.

>Five uninterrupted months to pursue God and touch the nations.


> Prayfully consider supporting Sarah on her journey.



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