Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 2- Making friends and going deeper

I have really been blessed this week! Lots of fellowship and getting to know my classmates. As I have been sitting in lectures this week our guest speaker Annarose called upon me as I was reading a bible scripture aloud. She spoke to me and said " You are strong with the Lord and a Warrior, stay strong and encouraged." This really moved me when she said that. I thought it was so coincidental because my name Sarah Payton, which means Princess Warrior.  Then later that night we were exchanging gifts with one another and Annarose came up to me and gave me a card and it had a number 7 on it. She told me " the number seven means completion" and then she said, "I feel you are complete in God." This really blessed me and she really touched me with her words.  While I know we are never complete, it confirmed to me that I am on the right path and I am continuously seeking God daily for His plans and purposes for my life. I am so overjoyed and encouraged through this time and I cannot thank everyone enough for their prayers and support on this journey.


1 comment:

  1. One of my prayer for you ever since you were tiny has been that God would hold you close to His bosom and keep you as a Kingdom Princess Warrior all the days of your life. Thank you for this testimony!!!! I love you soooooo much! I'm so thankful for you and unbelievably proud of you!!!
