Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Week one- lots of meet and greet and getting adjusted!

I am so sorry I have not updated for the past couple of days, everything has just been so hectic.  Jet lag took a couple days to recover from and I have been trying to figure out my way around. A lot has been going on! I am having a amazing time so far. I have only been here a week but it feels like so much longer! 


Over the weekend I got to go into the city and explore. We visited the Lausanne Cathedral- absolutely amazing-pictures do not do it justice.I am really excited to explore and continue to grow with God as I continue on this awesome journey! I am only a week in and can already feel tremendous growth.  Please pray for me that I can get adjusted to this very busy schedule.  It is a lot to take in right now, but definitely worth it! 

Please pray for my team as we all learn and grow in the Lord so that we can know Him more and make Him known! 

As always thank you so much for your prayers and support and I will update you again soon! 

1 comment:

  1. loved the photos and we are so glad to hear about your fun and growth in the Lord.....prayers will continue for you sweet Sarah as well as the whole group. To God be the glory!!! ♥ u
