Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 5 -time is flying!

Sorry I have been away for so long! I will try to update every Friday from now on.

These past two weeks there has been a lot going on! This past weekend we had Cafe Night!  It was very fun. The theme was movie awards.
We could dress up as a animated character or a famous person. I dressed up as a genie and my friend Ruben was dressed as Aladdin. 
These past two weeks I have been learning about intercessory prayer!  Wow, who knew how powerful prayer could really be! With intercessory prayer I learned how to really connect with God and how to really reach Him and listen to Him. I don't think I ever really knew how deep one could go with God until last week. Having it explained to you and digging deeper really opens your eyes a lot more to everything.  
This week I am learning about God's character and nature. He is so loving, patient and kind. Also a highlight of this week so far is that I am getting to know more about God personally and it is very exciting to me. I cannot wait to learn more about Him this week.  He really craves a relationship with us as much as we crave to have one with Him!  Be blessed everyone and I will update you soon! And as always, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Sarah! I'm so happy for you and excited to continue to read about your journey! KEEP IT UP!
