Monday, March 31, 2014

Tomorrow is the big day!

I was so blessed this weekend by friends and family!  Some lifetime friends of mine drove in for a visit and that was a big surprise.  I was so blessed. My dear friends prayed for me, gave me Lots of Hugs, we did facials, laughed a lot and of course went shopping and bought shoes! 
My church commissioned me and sent me off with prayer as well as a party!  I feel very loved! I am sad in a way, but so excited to see what God is going to do in the future.  My mom keeps tearing up and I tell her that I will only be gone for five months, it's not like I am never coming back. 
I know after this I will be forever changed! Again thank you so much to all have supported me both in prayer and financially.  Pray for safe travels.  I fly out tomorrow and arrive in Switzerland at 10pm on the 2nd of April which will be about 3pm here in Texas.  I will be meeting my new friend Ruben who will be escorting me from Geneva to Lausanne.  We will stay in a Hostel that night and should arrive to check in about midnight.  
We then will meet people from the YWAM base at 11am on the 3rd of April to continue on to the final destination YWAM Lausanne. I will update everyone soon!  Lots of love!!!! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

The final count down begins!!!!

I just got back from seeing my Moment side of the family!  It was great seeing all of you before I leave the country! 

This week I will focus on packing and running around to thrift shops in hopes to score some great pieces to add to my wardrobe for layering in Switzerland.  I will spend lots of time with dear friends and family and eat some of my favorite foods before heading off. 

Thank you so much to all who have been praying and who have given financially.  I know I say this every time I post, but I am so thankful.  When I started this journey it was a complete leap of faith not knowing if I would raise a dime and I am excited to say that to date I have raised $6,210.00 praise be to God!  I will still be fundraising for my second phase which is my outreach phase.  I will post more about that after arriving in Switzerland.  
Prayers still needed for my Visa.  I will be leaving in a week and still do not have it.  YWAM Lausanne has received notification that my Visa has been approved, but I have not.  SO when I go I will have to enter as a tourist until I get my student Visa and sometimes it can be a sticky situation.  Please pray that I get my confirmation this week.  While it is too late to mail my passport and get it stamped the approval letter can serve as confirmation upon entry until I can make it to the Swiss embassy. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Only Two more weeks

WE are getting very close!!!  So excited! You guys can pray for my mom, she is freaking!
I have raised to date all my school fees 3,790 CHF and about $400 USD towards my outreach.  Thank you so much to everyone for your prayers and support.  I am sorry that I had not posted in my blog last week I was on a spring break mission trip with my church.  We stayed right here in the great city of Houston and partnered with Global Frontier Mission.  We had a great time of ministry, we got to learn about new religions and cultures and share the love of Christ in the inner city.  I also made some pretty cool new friends!
One little girl in a local housing project broke my heart by asking if she could come with me.  So precious! 

Some of you have asked me how much I still need for my goal.  I need anywhere from 
$2500 to $4500 USD depending on where we travel for outreach.  I will update everyone and let you know for sure.  Please everyone continue to pray for my Visa, we still have not received notification, my school in Lausanne has though.  They said that they received notification that it has been approved, yay! I can enter the country without the Visa I am just told the process gets a little more complicated.  I cannot wait to share with everyone my journey and look forward to updating you soon! I leave on my journey April 1st. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Update....only 28 more days until I leave

Hey Everyone,

Again thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for me and showing me love and support. Your words are so encouraging!  I never thought in a million years God would call me to do this and I am so blessed that He has.  I have not heard either way about my Visa yet but I have been told that I will be permitted to enter the country and we can work it out if it doesn't come prior to me leaving so that is comforting news.  I must say this has been a great opportunity for the Lord to expand my faith.  One thing that I know and I saw it displayed throughout my life by way of my mother, that if God calls you to do something He will see you through it.

What is still needed......

Through donations I have raised $3460.00.  I have $1000.00 pledged.  I am still in need of about $3500.00.

If you would like to give:

Pay by Visa or Mastercard Pay

If you would like to donate by check make checks payable to Sarah Moment
For tax deductible donations make check payable to:        Current Christian Church (please do not put Sarah’s name on the check)

Please Mail to : 2226 Hollyfield Lane Katy, TX 77493