Monday, March 3, 2014

Update....only 28 more days until I leave

Hey Everyone,

Again thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for me and showing me love and support. Your words are so encouraging!  I never thought in a million years God would call me to do this and I am so blessed that He has.  I have not heard either way about my Visa yet but I have been told that I will be permitted to enter the country and we can work it out if it doesn't come prior to me leaving so that is comforting news.  I must say this has been a great opportunity for the Lord to expand my faith.  One thing that I know and I saw it displayed throughout my life by way of my mother, that if God calls you to do something He will see you through it.

What is still needed......

Through donations I have raised $3460.00.  I have $1000.00 pledged.  I am still in need of about $3500.00.

If you would like to give:

Pay by Visa or Mastercard Pay

If you would like to donate by check make checks payable to Sarah Moment
For tax deductible donations make check payable to:        Current Christian Church (please do not put Sarah’s name on the check)

Please Mail to : 2226 Hollyfield Lane Katy, TX 77493

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