Monday, March 31, 2014

Tomorrow is the big day!

I was so blessed this weekend by friends and family!  Some lifetime friends of mine drove in for a visit and that was a big surprise.  I was so blessed. My dear friends prayed for me, gave me Lots of Hugs, we did facials, laughed a lot and of course went shopping and bought shoes! 
My church commissioned me and sent me off with prayer as well as a party!  I feel very loved! I am sad in a way, but so excited to see what God is going to do in the future.  My mom keeps tearing up and I tell her that I will only be gone for five months, it's not like I am never coming back. 
I know after this I will be forever changed! Again thank you so much to all have supported me both in prayer and financially.  Pray for safe travels.  I fly out tomorrow and arrive in Switzerland at 10pm on the 2nd of April which will be about 3pm here in Texas.  I will be meeting my new friend Ruben who will be escorting me from Geneva to Lausanne.  We will stay in a Hostel that night and should arrive to check in about midnight.  
We then will meet people from the YWAM base at 11am on the 3rd of April to continue on to the final destination YWAM Lausanne. I will update everyone soon!  Lots of love!!!! 

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